Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tickling my "what if" bone...

I consider myself a unique kind of gal.....I actually liked history.  I liked reading at a young age so reading about history was not hard.  As young as second grade, my guilty pleasure was Ancient Egypt when I got older I moved to Native American history then from sophomore year in high school I became what was called a "royal watcher" a term coined by a high school English teacher who was an Anglophile.

I can tell you pedigree of Prince William through his father to the whole history of Saxe Coburg to Windsor.

I can talk about the Hashemite line and their decent from the prophet Muhammad as well as the

Kings of Buganda

and that Hirohito was the 126th of the unbroken like of emperors occupying the Chrysateneum Throne.

I dont know why as a girl of American  black working class parents why the history of the Royal families of the world was such a fascination no more than I know why British comedy tickles me so much or why Downton Abbey has become my newest British addiction along with clotted cream, cucumber sandwiches and Classic and New Doctor Who

(the fourth, ninth and tenth incarnations were the best by far, im just sayin)

I'm sure a psychologist would have some complicated explanation with a bunch of jargon and phrases that I could never hope to understand but I'm not interested in treating it anyway...
So its no surprise that I fell into the world of alternate history and steampunk

Old period mixed with science
A car during the Renaissance period
Laser gun in the Old West
Dark City
 Magic and alchemy
The plethora of what ifs and maybes

I was hooked and the seeds were planted.
Franz Ferdinands assasination
The fall of most of the Royal Houses
Hapsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Romanovs
Hitlers rise then WWII

And my aha moment mixed with one of my scientific idols : George Washington Carver

Imagine if you will the incident at Sarejevo taking a different turn: the Archduke and his wife surviving thanks to fantastic invention using a material synthesized from the soybean A kind of bullet proof vest.
Envision a kingdom in Africa that managed to ride out the wave of colonialism keeping it culture traditions no I'm not talking about Marvels Wakanda home of the Black Panther though I love the Black Panther series no doubt. Im talking about an African kingdom or Grand Duchy in this case. Thailand is such an interesting kingdom because as the British French were carving out territory in Asia and Africa it managed to avoid colonization. So one asks themselves: What did Thailand do differently?
They adapted to the leading powers.
And thus another "what if"  What If an African kingdom managed to do the same?
And George Washington Carver now esteemed and ennobled by a grateful Archduke who accended to the throne married into a royal tribe bringing all of his scientific knowledge.
The wheels started speeding:
The Carver Chronicles
So dive in with me to the Grand Duchy of Alakewji with Princess Sehani heir to the throne trying to hold her own and preserve the peaceful knowledge seeking land that she knows from her militaristic cousin who get this : she is required to marry.
Updates coming!